
Chocolate Coconut Haupia Pie

Serves 6-8

| Prep Time: 30 mins

| Cook Time: 2 hours

| Total Time: 2 hours 30 mins

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Discover The Recipe

A chocolate and coconut lover's dream - this recipe for Chocolate Coconut Haupia Pie is rich, creamy, and just delightful. Haupia Pie (pronounced how-pee-uh) is a traditional Hawaiian dessert that consists of a decadent chocolate ganache topped with a thick coconut milk custard (also known as the Haupia layer). It is typically considered a no-bake dessert even though the pie crust base is pre-baked prior to filling. The layers “set” in the fridge then get draped with fluffy whipped cream and complementary fresh toppings before serving. You can find chilled squares of Haupia Pie served at special events like Hawaiian Luaus and in some cases, variations with Sweet Potato are also available. 

This Chocolate Coconut Haupia Pie recipe is fully plant-based / vegan and features our proprietary Tahitian Coco-Vanille spice blend. Bursting with classic South Pacific flavors like coconut, vanilla, and cinnamon, this blend is perfect for both savory and sweet recipes. In place of a traditional pie crust, we opted for a nutty date and walnut crust while the chocolate ganache layer gets an extra dose of decadence from creamy avocado. We ensure that each layer is infused with the tropical-sweet flavors from the Tahitian Coco-Vanille spice blend to add a fragrant and exotic touch. When the pie layers have set, serve with non-dairy whipped cream and dried coconut flakes. If you are looking to impress your guests with an exotic dessert, then serve this Chocolate Coconut Haupia Pie at your next dinner party. 


  • Walnut Date Crust:

  • 2 cups walnuts

  • 1 cup dates, pitted and chopped

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1 pinch sea salt

  • Avocado Chocolate Ganache Filling:

  • 2 avocados, pitted

  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil 

  • 1 cup maple syrup 

  • 1 cup raw cacao powder

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 2 tablespoons lecithin granules

  •   Coconut Haupia Layer:

  • 1 can Coconut Milk (13.5 oz)

  • 2 tbsp Coconut Sugar or Cane Sugar

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1/4 cup water + 3 tbsp cornstarch

  • To Serve:

  • non-dairy whipped cream (preferably coconut milk based), toasted shredded coconut


It’s best to decorate the pie right before serving. Non-dairy whipped cream will fall pretty quickly once it’s been dispensed.

Haupia is traditionally a coconut dessert cut into squares, but we think it pairs perfectly with chocolate! If you wanted to just make the coconut portion of the pie and pour it into a small pan, you would have traditional haupia! It’s also naturally vegan!

Our Coco Vanille is perfect in this dessert because of it’s strong coconut flavor, but use it in place of vanilla in any of your favorite desserts for an exotic and fragrant note.

Soy lecithin granules are readily available in the supplement section of your local health food store. If you can't find it, don't sweat it!


To make the Walnut Date Crust, add the walnuts to a food processor and pulse until the walnuts are crumbly. Add the pitted, chopped dates, Piquant Post Coco Vanille and sea salt to the food processor and pulse a few more times until everything is well incorporated, but not TOO pasty. Use water if necessary a little at a time to help the mixture stick together if desired. Press firmly and evenly into a tart pan or pie pan. Set the pan aside until ready to add the filling. 

To make the Avocado Ganache Filling, combine the avocado, coconut oil and maple syrup in a food processor. Purée until smooth and free from chunks of avocado. Add the cacao powder, vPiquant Post Coco Vanille, sea salt and lecithin granules. Process until everything is smooth and well combined. Pour into the prepared crust. Refrigerate overnight to set up.

In a small bowl combine the 1/4 c of water with cornstarch and mix thoroughly.

In a medium pot on high heat, whisk coconut milk with sugar and Piquant Post Coco Vanille. 

Once warm, add water and cornstarch mixture and continue to whisk.

Bring mixture to a hard boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat.

Evenly pour haupia mixture over the chocolate layer and place back in the refrigerator to set.

After the haupia layer has set, you can serve the pie. Right before serving, decorate with non-dairy whipped cream, and dried coconut. 

Alternatives & Substitutions

Chocolate Coconut Haupia Pie



Prep Time

30 mins

Cook Time

2 hours

Total Time

2 hours 30 mins

Piquant Post spice you'll need:


  • Walnut Date Crust:

  • 2 cups walnuts

  • 1 cup dates, pitted and chopped

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1 pinch sea salt

  • Avocado Chocolate Ganache Filling:

  • 2 avocados, pitted

  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil 

  • 1 cup maple syrup 

  • 1 cup raw cacao powder

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

  • 2 tablespoons lecithin granules

  •   Coconut Haupia Layer:

  • 1 can Coconut Milk (13.5 oz)

  • 2 tbsp Coconut Sugar or Cane Sugar

  • 1 teaspoon Piquant Post Coco Vanilla

  • 1/4 cup water + 3 tbsp cornstarch

  • To Serve:

  • non-dairy whipped cream (preferably coconut milk based), toasted shredded coconut


  1. To make the Walnut Date Crust, add the walnuts to a food processor and pulse until the walnuts are crumbly. Add the pitted, chopped dates, Piquant Post Coco Vanille and sea salt to the food processor and pulse a few more times until everything is well incorporated, but not TOO pasty. Use water if necessary a little at a time to help the mixture stick together if desired. Press firmly and evenly into a tart pan or pie pan. Set the pan aside until ready to add the filling. 

  2. To make the Avocado Ganache Filling, combine the avocado, coconut oil and maple syrup in a food processor. Purée until smooth and free from chunks of avocado. Add the cacao powder, vPiquant Post Coco Vanille, sea salt and lecithin granules. Process until everything is smooth and well combined. Pour into the prepared crust. Refrigerate overnight to set up.

  3. In a small bowl combine the 1/4 c of water with cornstarch and mix thoroughly.

    In a medium pot on high heat, whisk coconut milk with sugar and Piquant Post Coco Vanille. 

    Once warm, add water and cornstarch mixture and continue to whisk.

    Bring mixture to a hard boil for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat.

    Evenly pour haupia mixture over the chocolate layer and place back in the refrigerator to set.

  4. After the haupia layer has set, you can serve the pie. Right before serving, decorate with non-dairy whipped cream, and dried coconut. 


  • It’s best to decorate the pie right before serving. Non-dairy whipped cream will fall pretty quickly once it’s been dispensed.

  • Haupia is traditionally a coconut dessert cut into squares, but we think it pairs perfectly with chocolate! If you wanted to just make the coconut portion of the pie and pour it into a small pan, you would have traditional haupia! It’s also naturally vegan!

  • Our Coco Vanille is perfect in this dessert because of it’s strong coconut flavor, but use it in place of vanilla in any of your favorite desserts for an exotic and fragrant note.

  • Soy lecithin granules are readily available in the supplement section of your local health food store. If you can't find it, don't sweat it!

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